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Servant Leadership

" Do you serve because you are the leader, or do you lead because you love to serve?"
Servant Leadership


Do you serve because you are the leader, or du you lead because you love to serve? It might sound as same same, and there is a set of values, a mindset and a fundamental attitude making the difference. Servant Leadership is a specific human behaviour, which successfully can be trained. The prerequisite for succes is however - the attitude. Servant Leaders cannot be identified via the organisational map, as this behaviour is relevant and important at all levels in a network or matrix based organisation, which want to perform. We all lead relations in everyday work.


Communication is our most important tool and it occurs all the time, whether we want it or not. As Austrian-American psychologist Paul Watzlawick said: “One cannot not communicate”, meaning that whatever we say and do, as well as all that is left unsaid and done, is communicated to our environment. This is a strong commitment, and small adjustments in your expression can cause major changes in the impression your surroundings receive. Consequently, it is essential to work with your communication.

Pitch & Performance

The ability to influence others is much about being able to listen to your audience. It is also about being alert, flexible, confident, clear, varied, responsible and grounded in your performance. All of this can be trained, learned and mastered, whether you are a leader, teacher, consultant, specialist, or have any other function in which you need to influence others. 


Storytelling is for delivering messages what oil is for an engine. It smoothens the process and lessens resistance, abrasions and problems. All people have stories, but few manage to convey them in a manner that leaves a lasting impression. Fortunately, everyone can learn the basic tools necessary to become a good storyteller.

Extreme Ownership

Extreme ownership is a basic prerequisite for trust and high performance in all relations, be it team, leader-employee, project group or other conceivable constituencies. Taking extreme 
ownership means, among other things, to take ownership of everything that influences the outcome of what you are a part of – and not just your own little share of the performance.

High Performing Team

High-performing teams are characterized by a clear sensibility-based trust in each other, and thus everyone feels comfortable expressing personal needs and boundaries. 
I know that everyone on my team wants what’s best for me.This makes it easier to recognize mistakes and flaws, and to ask for, and offer, a helping hand when needed.With a foundation of trust, open and unfiltered discussions come naturally – and so does an overall focus on team performance, as well as a personal commitment to agreements, and to keeping each other responsible.

Performance Leadership

Leading performance is, among other things, about creating the optimal prerequisites for the organization, the team and the employee. In this respect, there are five basic elements that must be present: Incentives (not necessarily in terms of salary), the right amount of information and communication, the necessary training, and finally, clear expectations and delegation of mandates. When these prerequisites are in place, from the employee’s point of view, the optimal conditions for performance are set.


Feedback provides development, learning, energy, improves performance and increases motivation. Meanwhile, there are not many for whom it is natural to give acknowledging and evolving feedback in the present where it belongs. There are many good explanations for this phenomenon, and they are often about presumptions and misunderstood considerations. In fact, with the right training, feedback is very simple. 

Live Situations

The difficult conversation, the challenging feedback, the difficult customer, the sensitive situation, the critical objection – all but a few situations met in the daily life of a leader, project manager, scrum master, customer service employee, adviser, salesman, and so on.          
Many of these situations are difficult to solve, particularly with theory only. If only we could talk about these situations at the momentthey occur – because it is right there the emotions are in play. 

Personal Development

All high performing people work with themselves, their development and performance. This includes looking inward, reflecting on one’s own behavior, and seeking feedback, sparring, and coaching. This is important to become a better version of yourself, which is precisely what targeted personal development is about. It is not about becoming more like someone else, what other people want you to be, or like something you’ve read in a book. It is about becoming a better version of yourself, with the adjustments you decide to make with will, determination and discipline. 

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